General information

The Metropolitan Ervin Szabó Library Music Collection is the Music Library of Budapest. It is not only a library and a knowledge base of music, but also a venue of cultural events. 

We collect and borrow books on music, sheet music, recordings (CD, LP, DVD) from all locations, eras and genres. In addition to many documents of classical music, a wide range of jazz, blues, folk, pop-rock, soundtrack, musical and operetta releases are available.

Our open shelf collection of music books includes many in English, German and French. Information gathering, study and research is helped by a reference library and non-borrowable documents. A large number of Urtext editions, study scores, technical studies, performance pieces, beginners’ methods, scores of chamber pieces, full and piano scores of orchestral and vocal music are available. CDs and DVDs can be borrowed or listened to/watched in our listening room.

One of our primary goals is to provide opportunity for cultural-social interaction. Our events try to evoke the noble tradition of the 19th century salon. The programs in our salon include concerts – often promoting young talents –, master classes, book launches, exhibitions, screenings and discussions. Please feel free to take part, everyone is welcome and entrance is free.

You can find information on our forthcoming events on our event diary or  Facebook-page.



The Metropolitan Ervin Szabó Library Music Collection is located in MESZL Central Library (​Szabó Ervin tér 1., 1088 Budapest).

Please see below where and how you can use our services.

1. Room of Music Books & Journals (many books in English & German)


  • borrowing, renewal and returning books on music 
  • Returning CDs & DVDs
  • information on music
Room of Music Books & Journals

MUSIC BOOKS & JOURNALS also in English and German

CATALOGUE COMPUTERS Search in our open access catalogue or request documents from the Closed Stacks

COMMUNITY AREA Room for individual or collaborative learning, discussions, games, music classes

CHILDREN’S CORNER Books on music for children

2. Room of CDs, DVDs and Open Shelf Scores


  • borrowing, renewal and returning of open shelf sheet music (orchestra study scores, beginners’ scores, jazz, blues, folk, pop & rock)   
  • borrowing, renewal and returning of documents from the Closed Stacks
  • information

MUSIC SPACE – for creation, inspiration or research – to be used individually or in pairs           

  • access to databases and the internet 
  • use of public domain software: score, video and text editors
  • listening to music (CD, LP)
  • watching music and opera DVDs

3. Requesting Documents from the Closed Stacks

You can request documents (sheet music, books, CDs, older periodicals) from the Closed Stacks by using the library catalog computers. After sending a request, wait until the last 8 digits of your library card code appear on the display. Then you can pick up the scores in the Room of CDs, DVDs and Open Shelf Scores.  Reading Room of Music Books.

We kindly request our readers to return documents borrowed from the Music Collection to any one of our two Rooms.



The Metropolitan Ervin Szabó Library Music Collection is not only a library and a knowledge base of music, but also a venue of cultural events. 

Our programs include concerts – often promoting young talents – , master classes, book launches, exhibitions, screenings and discussions. Please feel free to take part, everyone is welcome and entrance is free. Our primary goal is to provide opportunity for  cultural-social interaction, evoking the noble tradition of the 19th century salon.

You can find information on our forthcoming events on our  Facebook-page or event calendarHere, in our blog, we regularly  post about our past events.

Looking forward to meeting you in our Salon!



Young Talents in the Music Collection is a series of concerts in the salon of the Metropolitan Ervin Szabó Library Music Collection. Our aim is to give opportunity to Music Academy students and young graduated artists to ​debut and ​perform in our Salon, and to help them prepare mentally and physically for various competitions and challenges.

We would like to establish a continuous relationship with young talents, follow their career, and offer them to perform in our venue later as well, involving them in our various programs.

The opportunity to take part in the series is open for every young artist and music student. In oder to keep the high artistic standard, those appying should meet the following requiremets:

1. Be a member or a registered member of the Music Collection
2. Be the student or a graduated artist of a Music School or Music Academy, aged 16-27
3. Participants under 16 should provide the recommendation of their teacher or an acknowledged artist
If you intend to take part in the program or have questions, please contact:
Katalin Bándoli


Metropolitan Ervin Szabó Library Music Collection

Szabó Ervin tér 1.,
1088 Budapest

Renewal and information:

(06-1) 411-5011

Inter library loan:

Monday to Friday: 10-20
Saturday: 10-16

You can send us a message by filling the form below and pressing the blue button.